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Amazing people don't just happen....

So this morning I woke up with surprisingly positive, go-getter attitude. Over the past few weeks I have been overwhelmed, overworked, and had lost all sense of motivation to do ANYTHING; more less make moves with my business. So what was different about today? Why today have I felt inspired to do more, be more, and just sit down and make it happen? Then it all clicked.

So for the past couple months my business has been crazy busy. When you're an entrepreneur you have to be someone who can multi-task and wear the many hats it takes to run a business. When you are a CREATIVE entrepreneur, that includes a few more roles that only YOU can fulfill. I've prayed that someone would come along that could help me run this crazy busy by having the ability to be inside my mind and reproduce my creativity exactly. My prayer has been answered with one badass chick whom I absolutely adore named Hannah. But now I find myself praying for a 2nd Hannah! ..... We always want more than we have, don't we?

In addition to loads of Brand consultations, designing custom logos, and making pretty cover photos for my clients; I had this crazy idea a few months ago to launch an academy! 'Branding LIKE A BOSS Academy'. This 12 week intensive academy is going to be my way to share what I know about branding, marketing, graphic design, personally selling, creativity- everything it takes to look good as a professional and attract people to you online.

Great idea, huh?! ....we thought so too. We are super excited about the academy and truly cannot wait to get started! We wanted to get this out to everyone as soon as possible and originally set a date for Aug. 30 for the launch date. Reading that last sentence has me thinking, What the hell was i thinking?!....We were definitely over estimating our super powers when that date was originally set! After coming super close to entering total meltdown mode, we have THANKFULLY pushed the launch date back to Oct. 25 so that we can actually do this thing right and not lose our minds doing it!

So, all of that being said- I've been busy. Super Busy! Like, no time to do anything but work, busy....20 hour days busy....I guess that saying "Entrepreneurs will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week for someone else" has summed us up pretty well.

My mind is full, my brain is exhausted, and in the midst of all of that I'm supposed to just 'find' the motivation and inspiration to keep going?! Yeah......right. Well, this morning a huge light bulb turned on for me with exactly what it takes to ignite that spark back in your life and awaken your spirit child to the awesome things that lie ahead.

I was texting my husband last night (he is a professional golfer and is currently in France for a tournament on the European Challenge Tour) and this is what I said to him:

"Go out there and believe you are a champion- make that your goal this week. Believe that you are going to win. Just tell yourself that every day multiple times a day. It's crazy what the subconcious mind can do, so why not see what it does if we feed it crazy positive thoughts?! Imagine yourself winning....Making birdies, making eagles, chipping it in, making that final putt to win it all, the final fist pump, the awards ceremony, holding the trophy for the first tim, etc. Think about all of these things as often as you can throughout each day this week. Visualize yourself in each of those moments and lets see what happens."

That was last night when I sent that....and then I woke up this morning with this crazy renewed spirit. This is because I took myself and my mindset OUT of MY business and was intentional about inspiring and lifting somebody else up. You cannot give from an empty cup. However, giving is what it takes to fill your cup.

The conclusion of all of this is, if you are experiencing total overwhelm / burnout / borderline insanity; be selfless for a change and go help spark someone elses motivation. Light the fire for them. When we inspire others, we ourselves become inspired. We don't find a happy life, we make it- and its impossible to make a happy life when you're in total burnout mode.

My challenge to you is be intentional about being an AWESOME person and go inspire someone else this week. Help them to use their talents and knowledge to make magic happen in their world.

It is possible to make your wildest dreams come to life; but do you have the heart and hustle to make it happen? If not, maybe you feel this way simply because you need to lift someone else up so that you can stop unintentionally dragging yourself down. Whatever we say to ourselves, we believe. if you say, "Im not good enough" "I can't do this" "But I'm bad at this....." " I don't know how..." and the list goes on and on. When you say these things- your subconscious mind doesnt know the difference. So help it out and start telling it positive things and cut out all the negative garbage. Do this all this week and then come back and tell me what crazy awesome shit you were able to manifest with this radical positivity fed mindset.

Amazing people don't just happen. It takes crazy big dreams, hard work, consistency, inspiration, a good spirit, a full cup, and little bit of magic.

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